Open Access Journals

There are several reputable scientific journals that have made all of their research content available for free to the public. Here is a list of the highest impact open-access journals for women and children's health.

  • International Journal of Clinical Pediatrics

    Publisher: Elmer Press

    This journal publishes articles biannually on the clinical practice of pediatrics and child health.

  • International Breastfeeding Journal

    Publisher: BioMed Central

    From respected open-access publisher, BioMed Central, this niche journal publishes the latest medical findings tied to the benefits of breastfeeding children.

  • BMC Pediatrics

    Publisher: BiomMed Central

    This well established open-access publisher produces this monthly journal for important research on the health of children and adolescents.

  • PLOS Collections: Maternal Health Task Force

    Publisher: PLOS

    Through collaboration with one of the most successful open access publishers, Harvard University compiles this collection of key research and data for maternal health each year.

  • The Lancet Global Health

    Publisher: Lancet

    The Lancet is one of the most reputable medical research journals in the world. The publisher's global health edition is completely open-access and regularly publishes high-impact research relevant to women and children in the developing world.

  • Reproductive Health

    Publisher: Springer

    This respectable journal prints multidisciplinary research each month related to all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.


Medical science has helped millions of women and children around the world lead healthier lives, but there is still much to be discovered. Stay on top of the latest in maternal health and child development with free course materials from the world's best universities.

  • Child Health and Development

    With reading lists, as well as visual and audio lecture materials, this course examines the early years of child health, including social, physical, and cognitive development.

  • Human Reproductive Health

    For those interested in the biology of human reproduction, this course looks at the whole process from a woman's first menstrual cycle to menopause and everything in between.

  • Adolescent Health and Development

    The teenage mind is a mystery to many, but for public health professionals understanding that mind is crucial. This collections of readings, notes, and audio lectures from numerous guest speakers examines prominent health concerns for teens around the globe.

  • Family Planning Policies and Programs

    This courseware offers a rich collection of lecture notes and readings for anyone interested or involved in family planning approaches in the developing world.

  • Preventing Infant Mortality and Promoting the Health of Infants, Women, and Children

    Infant mortality rates vary dramatically by country and are often far too high. These free readings and presentations examine contemporary policies and approaches to addressing this issue.

  • Infant and Early Childhood Cognition

    Through fascinating readings and lecture notes, these free course materials investigate the cognitive science to discover how infants learn language, morality, and more.

  • Intellectual Development

    How children's brains develop is of the utmost importance to parents and pediatric professionals, but it is still not completely understood. These free slides will take you through the major theories.

Research Organizations

Guaranteeing the health of mothers and their children is an essential concern for society. These organizations specialize in uncovering the best science can offer for women and children around the world.

Professional Organizations

Thousands of public health professionals work to ensure healthy and rewarding lives for women and their children. These are the leading associations and societies for said professionals.

Public Awareness Organizations

The developing world is where women and children face the greatest dangers to their health. Over 300,000 women die in childbirth each year and nearly 6 million babies are stillborn or don't live beyond a month. These private charities and organizations intend to do something about it.

  • WHO: Family, Women, and Children's Health

    The World Health Organization works with local groups around the world to improve the health of small children and adolescents and promote women's health and rights.

  • UN: Every Woman, Every Child

    Launched in 2010 by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon with an initial budget of over $40 billion, this initiative aims to save millions of women and children in the developing world and prevent developmental disabilities and unwanted pregnancies.

  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health

    One of the largest private charities in the world, founded by the world's richest person. The foundation focuses on providing low-cost, effective treatments to women around the world to reduce infant and maternal mortality at childbirth.

  • Population Action International

    An independent nonprofit organization, Population Action International advocates contraception and birth control for women as keys to reducing poverty, disease, and environmental degradation around the world.

  • UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund

    The UN Population Fund works with local organizations around the world to provide family planning and reproductive health services, in addition to combating violence against women.